Shi Zheng

Shi Zheng participates in FOSUN FOUNDATION exhibition "Demonstration:The Art of Decision-Making Techniques"
(March 9, 2023, Shanghai) From March 30 to May 14, 2023, Fosun Foundation presents the group exhibition Demonstration: The Art of Decision-Making Techniques, curated by Xu Zhen and featuring the innovative new media practices of fifteen artists: Shi Zheng, Li Hanwei, Wang Ziquan, Payne Zhu, Fang Yang, Fei Yining, Bian Yunxiang, Feng Zhixuan, Shan Liang, Tian Yi, Li Xindi, Andrea Muniáin, Lauren Lee McCarthy, Paul Chan, and Tala Madani. This dialogue, involving more than twenty works in film, video, installation, and mixed media, shows how a new generation of young Chinese and international artists is working with the entirely new contexts and challenges of algorithms, artificial intelligence, and virtual worlds, using technology to reflect on technology, creating, inventing, and testing their own responses and lived experiences.
2023.03.30 - 05.14
of 156